iBall Remote Viewing

The Bloodhound is the most advanced portable mud logging gas detection system available, the system is calibrated utilizing National Institute of Standards Technology (NIST) calibration gases. It can detect 0 to 10,000 Gas Units without manual intervention. Also, the Bloodhound can be set up to emulate other types of gas detection equipment such as Hot-Wire, Flame Ionization Detection, Mass Spectrometry, and similar devices.


iBall Bloodhound Chromatography units pride themselves on sensitivity, precision chromatography, reliability, portability, ruggedness, accuracy, and ease of use. We provide iBall Bloodhounds on all of our mud logging jobs for your company’s immediate, live feed view of real-time drilling parameters, measured depth, and the entire range of hydrocarbon gases provided via wireless internet for instant access to the world-wide Bloodhound System.


Cuttings Analysis

Collecting, describing, and processing rock samples. Using various laboratory techniques like UV radiation to test for mineral and hydrocarbon fluorescence, hydrochloric acid to analyze rock type and to look for oil shows, and trichloroethylene to analyze samples for hydrocarbons.


Mudlog Creation

Record drilling parameters and mud properties, identify lithology, record rock type, rock composition, and rock properties in sequential order, document the gas shows from the chromatograph, complete shift reports, and communicate daily operations with the company man and company geologists


Mobile Laboratories

Basin Logging has multiple mobile laboratories and a team of mud loggers to meet your aggressive drilling programs. We can mobilize in hours and be rigged up and recording your drilling activities and the rock record in a moments notice. We are equipped to provide morning and evening reports and mud logs, dry and wet samples, immediate notification of relevant hydrocarbon shows, pick formation tops, and meet regulatory requirements by picking the Base of Drift as well as intermediate casing points.